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Depression During Pregnancy

There are a number of causes of depression. In most cases, this complication has always been associated with certain events and incidences. Not many people are aware that the developments taking place inside your body are also responsible for depression. It is a known fact that depression is more common amongst women as compared to men. The prime reason why it is seen more commonly amongst women is due to certain hormonal changes taking place inside their system. Depression during pregnancy is a natural phenomenon and it’s important to employ some natural mood enhancers. There is not much one can do in order to prevent it. Depression during pregnancy usually does not last for a long time. However, the time period that it lasts for can be a nightmare not only for the suffering individual, but for people around her.

Symptoms Of Depression During Pregnancy

There are a few prominent symptoms of depression during pregnancy. You will observe that the woman experiences massive mood swings. These mood swings become more frequent as time goes by and stress relief techniques should be a priority. The female would be normal and happy one moment and might lose her cool the very next moment. The temperament becomes poor during this phase.

There is every possibility that the woman starts snapping over minor issues. One of the most common symptoms of depression during pregnancy is hopelessness. You will notice that the overall approach of the woman becomes extremely negative. She starts to go in her shell. It is also possible that she starts developing doubts over the success of her pregnancy. The sleeping pattern also changes drastically. The woman might not sleep until late in the night or early in the morning. The sleeping pattern is irregular. There is also a distinct change in eating pattern. She might start eating very less or there is also a chance that her appetite increases drastically.

Effects Of Depression During Pregnancy

Effects of depression during pregnancy can have adverse impact on the soon to be mother. It is important that people around the pregnant woman accept the fact that she is just passing through a phase that is associated with hormonal changes. It is recommended that you ignore her snapping and irritation. Ideally, you should act like a support system in such cases. There is no harm in aging to all her point of views even if you know that most of them do not make much sense. You need to realize that it is just a passing phase. Effects of depression during pregnancy should not start to bother you.

There will be times when the pregnant woman might get overly aggressive or may even over-react to a particular situation. However, you should hold your foot strong and keep your calm and be composed during such scenarios. If you start arguing with her, there is every chance that the effects of depression during pregnancy might turn ugly. The complication starts to fade away after a certain point of time.