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Causes of Substance Induced Depression

As early as 1950 there was a link between mood disorders induced by certain drugs.  Illicit drugs were the chief cause of substance induced depression. Some of the over the counter drugs have also contributed to this depressive mood disorder.

Drug Abuse

Drug abuse accelerates depression in people who already have a history of depressive disorders like dysthymia (an illness which causes low levels of depression), or bipolar disorder.) Taking medicines like IFN Alpha corticosteroids, Digoxin and antidepressants are some causes for substance induced depression as noted in some myths about depression.  Some medicines like beta blockers, sedatives, Finasteride, calcium channel blockers may have a mild effect on moods and are not considered a major causes of substance induced depression.

Substance Induced Depression Diagnosis

However the patient’s medical history must be evaluated, before making conclusions. Generally in substance induced depression, symptoms like fatigue sleep changes, gastric problems etc. can manifest. These reactions can also be temporary and can reverse once the medicine is withdrawn.  If the patient is on drug abuse a urine sample will reveal the truth. If the mood disorder is due to taking medicines the thyroid test, Liver function test, electrolytes tests and blood urea tests will help in treating or withdrawal of the drug.
Causes of Substance induced depression may include alcohol addiction. Generally addiction is a chronic disorder and the addicted person is well aware of the consequences and yet continues the addictive behavior.


An alcoholic craves for drinks morning to evening. He gets irritated when people try to correct him. He knows he is wrong and wants to give up but he cannot do so. He them becomes remorseful and guilty and this is a classic example of substance induced depression.  In this kind of substance induced depression natural remedies are tried although their efficacy is debatable. Kudzu a Chinese root can reduce alcohol craving because it contains isoflavones, which reduces alcohol craving when tested on rats. Generally these options for depression treatments are more effective during the withdrawal period.

The very thought of being addicted and not being able to control is one of the causes of substance induced depression. People constantly judge and try to interfere, with alcoholics and drug addicts. It is not pleasant waking up with a hangover and tremor and not being able to switch off.

Natural Remedies

For controlling substance induced depression natural remedies are gaining popularity and being tried in rehabilitation centers. Here they concentrate on changing the physical activities first. A diet change, exercise, medication, yoga are some of the practices they follow to treat substance induced depression.

Getting enough sleep, having fun, changing the mind- set and even challenging the mind are some of the ways to fight depression induced by substance abuse. Among teens, gaming has become a big addiction.  They are in front of their consoles day in and out and they too have withdrawal symptoms when they are not allowed to game. There is a debate if this kind of addiction can also cause depression. For treating substance induced depression natural remedies can step in only during the withdrawal stage and doctor’s intervention is necessary in the early stages.