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Bipolar Medication

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a psychological illness that is marked by a person experiencing alternating states of extreme depression or elation (or mania).

People suffering from bipolar disorder suffer from feelings of heightened moods, exhibiting maniacal behaviors, or severe depressive periods. The symptoms of the elated period include making unrealistic plans, thinking very highly of ones skills and capabilities, making rash and impulsive decisions, sensation of feeling divine or ‘God-Like’ with super powers etc. During this time it’s suggested that psychiatrist for depression should be consulted or contacted. Depressive episodes are marked by crying uncontrollably, difficulty in decision-making, feelings of loneliness etc. Bipolar medication forms an important part of the treatment of patients, combined with psychotherapy, social support groups etc.

Medication for Bipolar Disorder

Medication for bipolar disorder can be divided into three categories: mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and anti-psychotics. Mood stabilizers help in relieving the symptoms of mania or depression or help in warding off their recurrence. Anti-convulsants which are used in the treatment of seizures have also been prescribed by doctors as mood stabilizers. Antidepressants help in alleviating the symptoms experienced in the depressive stage. They are usually prescribed in combination with mood stabilizers because antidepressants have the tendency of provoking the maniac stage in patients, when taken without mood stabilizers. Anti-psychotic medication for bipolar disorder is prescribed to patients who experience symptoms of hallucinations or delusional feelings during extreme high or low moods. They may also be used as sedatives in bipolar patients who suffer from insomnia.

Benefits of Medication for Bipolar Disorder

The benefits of medication for bipolar disorder are numerous and don’t include treating depression during pregnancy. Mood stabilizers and antidepressants help in reducing the intensity of symptoms of extreme fluctuating moods and also minimize the frequency of their occurrence. It helps an individual suffering for the illness to lead a normal life. People afflicted by bipolar disorder usually find it hard to keep their jobs, or maintain close personal relationships, raise a family or even do daily activities properly. Episodes of hallucinations or delusion drive away people near and dear to them. Medication thus helps ease the symptoms of this chronic illness and helps an individual lead a healthy lifestyle. Benefits of medication for bipolar disorder can be reaped only if taken religiously, with proper support from friends and family, or other social groups.

Finding the Right Bipolar Medication

Finding the right bipolar medication takes a lot of patience and trial. Different patients react differently to the medications and as such there are no hard and fast lines of treatment for bipolar disorder. The usual practices of doctors are to prescribe medications and observe their effect on the patients and change the combination of medications accordingly, so as to understand its compatibility with the body. Many medications may lead to mild to adverse side effects. Though side-effects may subside over time, it is not advisable to settle for a medication that makes one feel uncomfortable. Once the right combination of medicines are learned , it will require a little more time to determine the right dosage, as the medications may take time to show observable effects. Psychotherapy also forms an important part of treating bipolar patients. It helps patients understand the causes triggering their episodes and equips them with skills to control their negative thoughts.